
Barkhan Dune Air Strip

Fly-In Safaris

Barkhan Dune Retreat boasts a 1.8km long and 12m wide and well-maintained runway. The run-up pad at RWY01 departure point/threshold is completely paved with interlocks and the southern threshold of the runway offers ample parking space for up to 4 Cessna 2

Barkhan Dune Retreat boasts a 1.8km long and 12m wide and well-maintained runway. The run-up pad at RWY01 departure point/threshold is completely paved with interlocks and the southern threshold of the runway offers ample parking space for up to 4 Cessna 210s.

We offer accommodation, prehistoric rock painting tours (to our very own Ubib Grotto) and a state-of-the-art padstal for snacks and ice-cold refreshments.

Barkhan is also a popular fly-in destination for pilot training and with notice in advance, we can offer AVGAS at the runway for refueling. We frequently welcome Cessna 182s, Cessna 210s, Grand Caravans and even Gyrocopters.

As a rule for arrivals, we use RWY19 and GPS coordinates 23°45’04” S 16°02’56” E. For departures we use RWY01 and GPS Coordinates: 23°45’53” S 16°03’01” E.

Provided that you give us advance notice, an experienced Barkhan pilot can guide you into the final approach for RWY19 when you’re 5 to 8nm from our runway, usually on frequency 124.8 or 123.4. If you have GSM network coverage while flying, we can also transmit wind direction and wind speed to you at regular intervals. Should we be experiencing adverse wind conditions on the rare occasion, there are alternative runways situated at Katiti’s Lodge (roughly 1.6nm to the north-west of Barkhan) and Solitaire (roughly 8.5nm to the south-west of Barkhan).


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Barkhan Dune Air Strip's official website


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SADC Resident Rates
SADC passport holders


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